
更新时间:2024-01-26 类型:图形与设计
评分:4.67 收费:¥58.00
运营公司:Alan Meyers

Pro-fes-sion-al col-or mix-ing, match-ing and man-age-ment for graph-ic artists, web de-vel-op-ers, and de-sign-ers.

? Localized for the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese.

? Capture colors with Camera or from photo on Camera Roll.

? Import palettes from Coolors or Aurora.

? Export palette to?Photoshop SVG file or Procreate swatches file.

? Query your color and compare it to 16 color libraries. (Pantone, BEHR, RAL, etc.)

? Browse a library’s colors.

? Create your own Custom Color Library (My Library).

? Import and export your custom My Library.

? Save your color to current palette.

? Create, name, save and share as many 25-color palettes as your phone can hold.

? Search for color in your palettes.

? Name your colors anything you want.

? Adjust color using sliders or component bars.

? Get RGB, HSB, CMYK and Hex immediately.

? Adjust RGB, HSB, CMYK numbers by dragging the numbers up or down.

? Can input a Hex code directly in app.

? Query a color by Name or Number.

? Rearrange colors in palette by just swiping them.

? View color on color for comparison. See Euclidean distance between colors.

? Rotate through your palettes by just swiping.

? Share or print screen shots from anywhere.

? View full screen 25-color palette.

? Mix any two colors in your palette using sliders.

? Swipe right to go to previous color.?

? Can view last 15 colors displayed.

? View your color Full Screen by zooming in on color window.

\"Artists and de-sign-ers will love the Col-or Query Pro app. In fact, any-one who has ever seen a col-or that cap-tures their at-ten-tion and they just have to have it, should have this app.

Col-or Query Pro is a pow-er-house app for any-one who thinks in col-or and de-sires to cap-ture the right one at the right time.\" - Apps and Ap-plications

\"As a handy app that helps you cap-ture and find the col-or you are look-ing for so you can eas-i-ly recre-ate it for your own project, Col-or Query Pro is a def-i-nite-ly handy tool to have.\" - Al-pha-Dig-its

\"Col-or Query Pro is a mo-bile ap-pli-ca-tion which is help-ful for pro-fes-sion-als in de-ter-min-ing th/e im-age prop-er-ties of a col-or. It is easy and con-ve-nient col-or con-vert-er & mix-er which can be trust-ed by pro-fes-sion-als. More-over, it is high-ly rec-om-mend-able.\" - ios-app-spy

? Does not use in-ter-net.

? No Ads.

? No pop-ups to get you to rate the app.

? No in-app pur-chas-es.

The sixteen color libraries:

Graphic Arts

? Pan-tone C

? RAL Clas-sic





? Sher-win-Williams


? Valspar

? Re-sene

? Dunn-Edwards (Then, Now & Forever Palette)

National Standards

? Col-ors of Japan

? Fed-er-al Stan-dard 595

? Aus-tralian Stan-dard 2700

? British Stan-dard 381

Web Design


? Ma-te-r-i-al De-sign


? Brand Colors

? My Library

Note: Col-ors dis-played are sim-u-la-tions of the ac-tu-al col-or.


Can now browse the colors of a library.
Import and export into My Library (Custom Library).
Search for color in your palettes,

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